Sewing Vloggers

Thursday, June 26, 2014

An amazing young sewist!

I have been trying to get a hold of "Esther from the sticks" for some time to get her permission for an interview and photo use. Alas, Esther has been working her buns off in her first year of design school and hopefully having a wonderful summer. I will still try to pin her down to an interview and hopefully soon. In the meantime I just couldn't help linking you up to the amazing work she has done. Esther has done all the work you see in this blogpost during three years of high school. The post is shows her portfolio for design school admission and she is a senior in HS while writing it. Enjoy !

Esther from the sticks


  1. Unable to get my jaw off the floor after looking at Esther from the stick's blog. Whew!

  2. What a charming young lady. So talented and full of grace. I hope you're able to score that interview!

  3. Thank you for sharing this link. Esther is incredibly talented. I'm so glad she's pursuing a career in art!

  4. She's one of my absolutely favorites! Just breathtaking work.

  5. Such talent! I was thrilled to read she is now a student at SCAD. With her creativity, and educational background, she should go far. Thank you for sharing!

  6. Such talent. Almost unbelievable.

  7. Those pictures are amazing. A very talented lady.

  8. Wow!!! Incredibly talented young lady!!! She has a great eye for style and detail. I bet she does well in the field of design. :D

  9. Wow. Unbelievable. I'll be following her for sure--thanks for the link!

  10. What an amazing talent she is -- in so many areas. I have a feeling she is going to do really, really well!

  11. TAKE MY BREATH AWAY GORGEOUS! Thank you Bunny for introducing her to us! This girl is the one to watch for clothes and scenery!

  12. I'm blown away by her talent. Thank you for sharing.

  13. Amazing! Thanks for sharing.

  14. Amazing! A gifted young woman.

  15. She just has natural talent. You can't teach that. Great find!

  16. Thanks for the link, Bunny. When I saw her blog I thought I was looking at work from the end of first year of design school, but just read the end of your post here: it's high school work! Unbelievable. She is pure talent.

  17. Hi there Bunny,
    Thank you for posting the link; isn't she amazing and terrifically talented!


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