Sewing Vloggers

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Hell hath no fury............Hear that, Macy's?

OK, this is a disgusting post so if you are weak of stomach, move on.

My bedroom is odd colors. The walls are a rich golden apricot which we have had two people copy, lovely. The drapes are a red and gold and beige silk plaid, love them. The overall effect is glowing golds and reds.  Last weekend was the annual spring window cleaning extravaganza at the Sewista household. That meant I washed and ironed those silk drapes and they looked crisp and fresh when I hung them up. We have a beautiful bedroom set. Remember, I sold furniture for many years. The bedspread has been an exquisite white  hand crocheted number that my MIL gifted us over ten years ago. It has sentimental value. We are tired of it though and after hanging the crispy silk drapery, DH and I decided we really needed to retire her gift and get something more co-ordinated. Off to Macy's on line I went.

I have been shopping at Macy's for my home for over thirty years and have always been very pleased. I've have spent thousands there. Without thinking I went to their site and found the perfect set of bedding. It was bed in a bag easy with seven pieces. You can see it on the ripped and torn enclosure that was in the bed in the bag.

Hubby did watch yesterday for the man in the brown shorts with the great legs and called me when it was delivered. I raced in the house and we opened the bag. The smell was disgusting. Hubby says it's cologne and Bad BO. To me it smelled like a dead animal. It rose out of the plastic bag before we could even get it out. Eagerly I pulled the comforter out to get it on our bed. The stink increased and I immediately noticed stains. WTF? Every corner of fabric I turned was full of hairs, what we hope is snot but could be what we called "giz" back in high school. There were all sorts of stains All Over. There were tons of hair All Over. There was a pucking smell All Over. As my blood pressure rose and I flipped the next wad of fabric, there it was: Bug egg cases stuck to the comforter. I started screaming get this thing out of the house, NOW! with numerous Fbombs thrown in. I was bull  shit. We packed it back in the bag and brought it out to the barn. There was no way this smelly bug infested crap was staying in our home.

Clearly, Macy's took a return on this product for a customer who abused it in ways I have never done to any bedding I've ever owned. It went back on a shelf in the warehouse and was pulled for us when we placed our order. This is bedding people. There are laws regarding returned bedding. It's like returning underwear. Come on, Macy's, you should know better.

I immediately fired off a "rate your experience" email to Macy's as well as a customer complaint. I checked of the box to have someone call me. Hasn't happened.  I live in the hinterlands and  it is an hour and a half ride to find any store besides Walmart and Kmart to get bedding. I relied on my years of positive experience with Macy's for my purchase as I have done many times previous. I am beyond disappointed and so pissed off. This morning I had a form email feeling sorry for my "issue" and " here is a label to ship it back. It will be credited when we get it. Thank you very much." The email instructed me that responding would get me no response so don't try. Well, I am responding now, Macy's. This disgusting experience requires  more than a downloaded shipping label and a form email and me taking time out of my  busy day to ship back your garbage.  I don't know what that is but until you do better, you suck..............Bunny


  1. Bunny, that is disgusting! I hope you get personal communication soon. Keep sending notes and threaten public rants (as in your blog, Facebook, Pinterest etc). They owe you a FREE set.

  2. Use the media to keep everyone informed...this just makes me want to vomit!
    Thank you for spreading the word and the photos!!!!

  3. O.M.G. That is sooooo gross. I can't believe they accepted the return in the first place, never mind *tried to resell it to another customer.* Boggles the mind. Oddly enough, I rarely return items, but the one time I returned a sweater to Macy's, the saleswoman actually accused me of wearing it before she begrudgingly gave me money back. I was so p.o'd, I've never shopped at Macy's again.

  4. I have never liked Macys and have hated seeing them take over other department store chains. Just another confirmation of my thoughts on their quality and customer service!

  5. Sick! Shame on Macy's!

  6. That is utterly revolting! And sending an e-mail template like that to a customer after receiving this info is just unbelievably bad customer service.

  7. I was so disgusted with their lack of customer service that I posted this link on their Facebook page.

  8. Bunny, I sincerely hope you get justice here, although the offense is so gross I'm not sure what "justice" would look like.

  9. Bunny - that is so gross. My sympathies!!

    If you have a facebook or twitter account, now is the time to use them. Let us know so we can spread this around!!

  10. "There are laws regarding returned bedding. " also, time to search out the pertinent regulators and let them know.

  11. gross! sorry you had to deal with that!
    gaze at your beautiful draperies and breathe ;)

  12. So Bunny, this was the response I got on Facebook: Hi Suzanne. Please ask your friend to email our team at with her order number, so we can look into this. Thank you. - Savannah at Macy's

    1. I've emailed them with a copy of my order, pictures and my complaint. thanks, Rainpatter. That was several hours ago.

  13. Well, well, social media wins out. Maybe. Let us hear what happens. You spent good money on this disgusting bedding and you got an automated response? Bad Macy's and in this age of social media they should know better.

  14. That sheet is beyond revolting! I can't believe they would put that back on their shelves and resell it! Talk about lack of quality control.

  15. Bunny, I know you will keep on them and get satisfaction. Just sad you have to do that and can't just enjoy your new comforter set.

  16. They owe you a trip from the Orkin man on top of anything else!

    1. Yes! for now it is all out in the barn. I won't let that stuff in my house.

  17. Absolutely disgusting and your 'return' will most likely end up back on Macy's shelf and go out again to another unsuspecting customer. The old days of customer service are long gone!

  18. Had an interesting thing happen with macy's and my macy's credit card!!! It was hacked for a total of 3000.00 YES people you heard me right...NOW I was appalled and expected them the credit dept at Macy's to handle this situation like ever other credit card company!!!NO they made me carry that charge on my card until they investigated the charges 4 MONTHS>...needless to say it effected my credit rating even though I didn't charge those charges...and until they decided I didn't charge 3000.00 worth I got hit with the service charges and interested and in the end it was refunded BUT 4 months I had to have that...CANCELED card!! Not a Macy's shopper anymore!!

    1. Wow! My BOA credit card will i\ reduce fraud charges right away. that's an awful story.

  19. Oh my life Bunny,
    This is beyond appalling!!
    I agree with a previous post.............Macy's this lady should after all the years of being a loyal customer, receive a perfect set free of charge, as a way of apology for having that disgusting bedding sent to her..................shame on whoever put that back on the warehouse self...........disgruntled worker??

  20. What a scary thought. It has never crossed my mind that this could occur! I do hope you find something nice (and clean).

    I hadn't shopped in Macy's in nearly 20 years (when we moved away from the east coast), until I was on a business trip a few months ago. It was an awful experience: clothing on the floor, shelves disheveled, rude clerks. It was formerly a favorite of mine, but I won't go back.

  21. Wow! Proper customer service and quality control are completely absent. Poor management indeed. No ethics there.

  22. I just had to share this on my facebook page.

  23. I find this story rather horrid. The people who did that in the first place. Then returned it. Then that the shop accepted it. And put it back on the shelves without even looking at it. And then reselling it. I am pretty sure that many stores eg Ikea and Argos never resell the returned items as new, but sell by the container load to recycling companies.

  24. Truly a horrendous experience and a HUGE failure for Macys and for customer service! Using social media to pressure retailers into doing a better job at caring for their customers has power. Macys should care enough about their reputation and it is sadly disappointing to hear that they failed. Hoping you get a better response soon!
    Ruth L

  25. Bunny, I'm outraged right along with you! If there's anything that gets my goat it is customer service that tries to make me feel blessed that they are allowing me to return their inferior goods. And in this case, the goods are far below inferior...bordering on toxic. They should have apologized profusely for the time you've had to waste on this, told you to toss the contents in the garbage, refunded your money and sent you a nice big coupon. Not that any of this would compensate for what you went through, but at least it would be something. I'm so sorry this happened. Lots of companies, including Macy's, need to better educate their customer service reps. The way this was handled is simply bad business for Macy's. Linda S.

  26. Disgusting! Tweet a complaint. Macy's will get back to you PDQ.

  27. This is so disgusting. Just another reason to miss Marshall Field's!!

  28. Macy's has been criticized before for sending out merchandize that has previously been worn, but this is revolting. Did you try to post on their FB page? Sometimes if you call customer service and insist on speaking to a manager that might help.

    I've never had a problem with Macy's, the one time I returned a knit cardigan that caught on everything with threads hanging out everywhere the saleslady was very gracious, especially after I pointed out the threads. Every time I checked the contact me box on the survey form they did eventually call, but it took at least a week. They seem to be trained to apologize, but won't offer any compensation for your experience, which isn't of much help.

  29. This is the corporate information. Terry J. Lundgren is the CEO. Write a letter (with pics) to him. You should get a prompt response. If not, just keep sending them. I did that with Ford and got an immediate response. Good luck!

  30. Post your annoyance on Twitter. Promise you will get a response!

  31. That is DISGUSTING. You should kick up a fuss on twitter. I've had companies be quite responsive to me on Twitter.


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