Sewing Vloggers

Monday, August 13, 2018

Is it just too Simple - icity?

I have two  evening weddings to attend this fall. I am considering something along these lines.

Here is another version I like:

What I really like about these two outfits are the tops. I cannot find anything in patterns with the extended scooped out neckline like the red one above. Simplicity has a wonderful possibility in  Simp 8380 which could easily be worked up into a top with the scarf effect. I love the forgiving value of that scarf on the shoulder!

There are lots of versions online of this look. I think it is so feminine and very "Amal" and of the moment. These skirts have been a favorite of mine for many years, featuring my waist and hiding those wide hipbones and booty. I think I can work this. Here's another:

What I really want to talk about here is Simplicity Patterns. Ah, the name, Simplicity, Simple, right? I really don't think so. In my very young sewing days, when I was far more observant than skilled, I decided I didn't like them. Just     too   simple.     I really think they were back then. I can remembert my mom saying "We'll start you off with Simplicity patterns" and it sort of stuck. By fifteen I was knocking out the Vogues and criticizing the Simps. My biggest complaint which some may remember and which I thought at the time was just horrible, is that every pattern had two darts at the back shoulder seam. I would see those darts on the backs of people I knew and tell myself, "that's a Simplicty. Look at those two darts." Rarely did the Vogues have them. What impresses us in our teens, who can explain and what little did I know about shaping?

Fast forward and today I feel totally differently. I know we all have our favorite pattern companies and I would probably still say Vogue for numerous reasons. But, time and time again when I am searching for a design still nascent in my head, I start my search with Vogue, then McC, then Butt, and lastly Simp. Every stinkin' time exactly what I am look for pops up quickly in Simplicity. And the really interesting thing is that it is almost always a Cynthia Rowley design, my favorite designer.

This will easily make my envisioned top with the scarf on the shoulder. I will lower the darts obviously, and probably build a bra into the lining. I hate strapless bras, but we will work it all out. Funny how I still can't get over my dart issues with this company but keep finding just the right styles for five foot tall me and in my favorite designer. I wonder if   Rowley is petite?...Bunny


  1. Hi Bunny!
    Love the skirt; but have you seen the new Simplicity 8743 skirt?

    1. I haven't and when I google it nothing came up but a long dress and a top. I'll search a bit more.

  2. Bunny I can't wait to see this finished!

    1. Thanks, Fay and thanks also to MLGA for the suggestion. I'll go hunting for that new skirt pattern.

  3. Looking forward to what you will make. Lovely inspiration.
    I confess to not even look at Simplicity patterns, somehow they're not on my radar. Will have something to do with being European.

    1. They are often the last place I look to but often have the solution.

  4. According to one rather odd online source, Cynthia Rowley is 5ft7. But clearly she understands style for us smaller folks. That top photo is a winner, looking forward to seeing your take on it.

    1. I agree. I also find when out shopping I will grab something in the store I really like, go try it on and it is very often a Cynthia Rowley. She just has my vibe.

  5. I love seeing these ideas...I just wish I had a wedding coming so I could make one for myself!

    Keep us posted, Bunny, and may I say it is so nice to have you back.

    1. Thanks Beth. It's good to be back. Where could I play dress up without these occasional weddings?

  6. Looking forward to seeing this...wish I still had a small waist :(

    1. Mine's not as small as it used to be but I can still do this silhouette. Now if only I could find my lowering apex!

  7. What about Vintage Vogue 1094 as a starting place for the off-the-shoulder scooped out neckline? The drawing doesn't look exactly the same but some of the photographed dresses look quite similar. At least it would be a place to begin.

    1. That's a great suggestion. I think at this point I am choosing the one shoulder scarf effect. I like the camouflage effect of that scarf but the feminine hint of the one shoulder. I really appreciate your suggestion. Somehow I missed that one.

  8. I love all of these! I didn't think I'd get into one shoulder or the flounce, but these make me change my mind!

  9. Love the classic feel and yet a bit sexy. If you have the arms...then you should work them, Bunny! But be careful, all eyes will be on you and not the bride!!!


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